NOTE: This post talks about suicide. If that’s an issue for you, perhaps give it a miss. I have been thinking about the conversation with Gini Dietrich that got posted yesterday for a while. It was a bit of a surprise for me, because I know Gini as one of […]
Episode three of the podcast features Gini Dietrich. Gini is herself a veteran podcaster, among other things — she’s cohosted the Inside PR podcast for a number of years. But she’s also an entrepreneur (the founder of public relations firm Arment Dietrich), a prolific blogger, and has written two books: […]
I’m feeling like this is going somewhere. Thanks to all who have been and are listening to the early days of this podcast. It’s appreciated, as is your passing it on to your friends and contacts. Two things that are happening. First, it’s been really interesting talking to more guests. […]
Barry Karp is a theatre producer, performer, storyteller, and teacher in Ottawa, Ontario. But his turnstile moment happened in Northern Ontario a long time ago. And it had some surprising outcomes. One of them was how I connected with Barry: his daughter Andrea. Check out her music as Naviger here. […]
In Episode 1, we hear the story of Shawna Caspi, who is now a successful singer-songwriter in Toronto who released her fifth album, Forest Fire, in 2017 and regularly tours in the US and Canada. (You should buy her music, by the way. It’s really good.) Hope you like it. […]